Stent Placement
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22455 N Miller Rd #B100
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

22455 N Miller Rd #B100
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

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Kevin Hirsch, MD



Dr. Hirsch is one of the most well-respected and highly-regarded interventional radiologists in the Valley. He graduated from University of Southern California School of Medicine in 1998 and completed his diagnostic radiology residency and interventional radiology fellowship at LAC-USC (Los Angeles County-University of Southern California) in 2004. Dr. Hirsch joined Banner University Medical Center-Phoenix and quickly built the interventional radiology program into a top referral center. 

In 2006 Dr. Hirsch was appointed the Chair of Department of Radiology and continues in this role. He held multiple leadership roles and served on multiple committees over the years including the medical executive, endovascular, and multidisciplinary peer review committees which he continues today. Dr. Hirsch led the system-wide consensus group for many years and was instrumental in establishing programs such as interventional oncology, and complex deep venous thrombosis interventions. Dr. Hirsch co-founded the Interventional Stroke Program and collaborating with other departments, Banner University Phoenix became the first certified Comprehensive Stroke Center in Arizona. It also became a Center of Excellence site for teaching Y90 radioembolization to physicians across the country. 

Dr. Hirsch is a lifelong educator. He taught middle school science before going to medical school, was a Chief Resident during his training, served as a mentor for medical students, and has been educating and training medical students, residents, and fellows since 2006. In 2015 Dr. Hirsch was appointed the Interim Chair of Radiology at University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix and was later promoted to full Clinical Professor. He has published a variety of research studies and continues to perform research and clinical trials. Dr. Hirsch serves as a consultant to the medical industry and is a co-founder of a medical device company which is currently working on bringing new technology to the medical field. He has been voted by his peers a Phoenix Magazine’s Top Docs. 

Dr. Hirsch is a father of 4 and enjoys spending his free time with his family and friends.

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At Vascular & Interventional Partners, we know that cardiovascular diseases can cause uncomfortable symptoms, reduce a person’s quality of life, and even put their lives at risk. We also know that patients prefer the most effective and minimally invasive treatment options available, so we help our patients find a long-lasting solution to obstructed blood vessels by performing stent placements.

To learn more about this procedure and find out if it's right for you, contact the ViP team online or call us today at (480) 435-9100).

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