Vascular & International Partners

Are you a Candidate for a Minimally Invasive PAD/PVD Treatment?

Answer the following questions to see if you may be a candidate for minimally-invasive IR treatment against Peripheral Artery Disease/Peripheral Vascular Disease.

Take the Quiz
Vascular & International Partners

Are You Over the Age of 50?

Issues with arteries and veins become more common with age.
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Do you smoke or have a history of smoking?

Smoking can increase your risk of vascular issues.
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Do you have a personal history of heart disease or peripheral artery disease?

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Do you have diabetes?

Diabetes can increase your likelihood of developing vascular complications.
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Have you experienced any leg or calf pain or cramping while walking or exercising?

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Have you experienced any slow healing of wounds or sores on feet and legs?

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Have you experienced a decrease in temperature or loss of hair on your feet?

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Have you experienced a change in the color of your feet or legs?

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Your Score Does Not Indicate That You Qualify for a Minimally Invasive Outpatient Treatment For PAD/PVD.

If you would like to still be evaluated, please contact our office at 480-435-9100

Vascular & International Partners

Your Score Indicates that You May Be Qualified for a minimally invasive outpatient treatment PAD/PVD.

Thanks for taking the quiz. Your responses indicate you may qualify for a minimally invasive outpatient procedure for Peripheral Artery Disease/Peripheral Vascular Disease

If you are interested in receiving more information, please leave your information and someone from our office will contact you within the next 24 hours.

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